Tretinoin Cream
Release time:2019/7/20 browse:
[ Name ] Tretinoin Cream
[ Approval Number ] 国药准字H20055512
[ Specification ] 15g:3.75mg
[ Indications ] Acne vulgaris, in particular blackhead acne lesions, senile, sunlight or drug-induced skin atrophy, hyperkeratosis ichthyosis and a variety of unusual calm and excessive skin pigment and psoriasis.
[ Approval Number ] 国药准字H20055512
[ Specification ] 15g:3.75mg
[ Indications ] Acne vulgaris, in particular blackhead acne lesions, senile, sunlight or drug-induced skin atrophy, hyperkeratosis ichthyosis and a variety of unusual calm and excessive skin pigment and psoriasis.